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Compass Rose is taking precautions to ensure the health and safety of all guests, visitors and staff during the COVID-19 situation.

This page is intended to provide an outline of some of our new policies and procedures. We will be monitoring the situation and implementing these strategies as called for.

Before Arrival

Compass Rose is now allowing Bed & Breakfast cancellations at any time without cancellation fees until May 14th, 2021. Our regular cancellation policy will apply after this, unless Provincial orders change in which case we will be allowing cancellations without any fees.

We ask all symptomatic guests to stay at home. Any symptomatic guests, be it fever or otherwise, will be declined and rebooked at a later date.

Upon arrival, we’re asking all guests to sanitize their hands with alcohol-based sanitizer provided by Compass Rose. Compass Rose reserves the right to check temperatures with non-invasive forehead thermometers at our discretion.

At Compass Rose


Compass Rose staff consists of owners/operators Cameron, Caroline, and Nickolas, as well as summer employee Declan. Together, we have almost three decades of industry experience for hygiene standards in food and tourism. No other staff handles day-to-day operations, and as such we have a very close eye on all personal hygiene practices. We will continue to implement our rigorous hand washing standards, sick leave expectations, respiratory etiquette, food handling protocols, etc.


Compass Rose will be increasing our health and safety expectations, by action taken in line with WHO and CDC recommendations. Please note some of these protocols may not be applicable to “full house bookings” as during events.

All guests will be asked to respect current guidelines. This includes social distancing, wearing masks indoors and where social distancing is not possible outdoors.

Compass Rose will be avoiding a full booking schedule, and will be intentionally staggering bookings to give a 48 hour cool down period between bookings. We will not be providing breakfasts at this time.

We will be enhancing our room cleaning procedures. This will include the use of alcohol-based sanitizers for all surfaces. Special attention will be given to high-touch items and surfaces. Increased attention will be given to all surfaces in each room.

We will be enhancing our public space and item sanitation. Special attention will be given to room keys, countertops, and other high-touch items and surfaces.

We will be no longer outsourcing laundry. Any item that may come in contact with guests will stay on-site and only be handled by CR staff.

This is not an exhaustive list of measure that may be taken. Compass Rose is constantly monitoring WHO, CDC, and Canadian government publications for health and safety guidelines for tourism-related businesses.


Compass Rose will be asking couples to ensure the safety of all attendees. For any couples looking for more ways to help ensure a safe celebration, please refer to this Canadian government publication on health and safety for mass gatherings:

Compass Rose will be practicing enhanced venue hygiene. We have ample sanitary supplies, and will be upgrading our already-rigorous sanitary standards. We will be regularly wiping down all surfaces and items that could be considered risks for transmission prior, during, and after events. Compass Rose will also be offering sanitary stations around the venue. Combined with our “one wedding per week” standards, we are confident that Compass Rose will remain a safe environment for your celebration.

We will also be practicing enhanced staff hygiene. Compass Rose will be reviewing hygiene expectations with all staff; both internal and all third-party staff on-site. All third-party staff that will be on-site will be reviewed for high-risk travel history and symptoms, including a non-invasive temperature check.

Compass Rose reserves the right to deny entrance to symptomatic guests in line with Ontario health and safety guidelines.

This is not an exhaustive list of measure that may be taken. Compass Rose is constantly monitoring WHO, CDC, and Canadian government publications for health and safety guidelines for mass gathering spaces.